Tik Tok Is The New Musical.ly

Tik Tok Is The New Musical.ly 1

Over the last couple of years, many music-related apps emerged in an attempt to provide the masses with a musical journey that’s both condensed and entertaining, and although some apps have succeeded for a decent amount of time – such as Vine – some have come to an end or simply aren’t popular any more. However, the Chinese app, Tik Tok, has come to life and its goal is to “Make Every Second Count”, which appeard to be a similar motto to other musical apps.

The brand new musical app, Tik Tok, benefits from the fact that various and exotic kinds of apps appeal to users quickly, especially teenagers and young people who are eager to give any new app a try in order to judge its compatibility with today’s domination of social media websites and apps. And even though Tik Tok may appear to be quite repetitive and duplicated, its main focus, which is lip-syncing, seems to set it apart from the similar musical platforms available at the time.

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Once the user installs Tik Tok, the homepage of the app will present a digital backdrop and the ability to lip-sync a whole variety of songs. Nevertheless, Tik Tok is facing a fierce competition when it comes to the musical features provided since more prestigious and widely popular apps are also planning to equip their platforms with a couple of musical options. For instance, the music stickers of Instagram grants the users the ability to add music to the photos and video clips; and the “Live Lip-Sync” of Facebook presents also decent music ablities that amp up the viral chatting app experience.

And while Tik Tok may stand out more to youngsters, more varied and established platforms such as Instagram and Facebook stand out to various sorts of age groups and people – which as a result adds more pressure to the competition.

Tik Tok Fans

My name is Mary Anne. I'm a Super Fan of Musical.ly and I love TikTok Videos. My life: Apps, Phones, Sun, Beach, and Friends.

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